Dex autotrax parts
Dex autotrax parts

This, together with a heavily moderated Yahoo group (posts which Ilija dislike are not published !) forced me to go back to Eagle and to post this warning to potential users. No option to de-select part of a selection. Making selection for cut and paste is in-adequate. Part libraries which come together with the base install are just dead wrong (too small SMD pads, too small hole diameters). If you try to add parts after you have routed your PCB it will un-route the complete tracks on the PCB (Image you have done a complete +12V route and adding just one part to this +12V, it is completely un-routed.). So it is not possible to change easily a 4E wired resistor for a 6E spaced type. As an example: - Not able to have multiple footprints for one schematic symbols and lacks ability to change footprint easily when doing PCB design (for custom made parts). It has a lot of bells and whistles but solid basic functions are poorly implemented/lacking.

dex autotrax parts dex autotrax parts

This program looks very nice, good looking GUI but just lacks stability and functions needed for a basic CAD schematic/PCB design package. the programmer, Ilija.This guy is not listening to experienced CAD users and unwilling to implement or change product behavior.

dex autotrax parts

6 months ago I tried again, invested many many hours in it and I am sorry to say I just bought an hobbyist v7 Eagle license and dumped Autrotrax for the second time.(and probably forever). I did came across Autotrax I think about 10 years ago, did try it out and basically for the same reason (see below) I quit for several years. Hi, I would like to share my recent experience with Autotrax to this group.

Dex autotrax parts